Youth Work and Non-Formal Education for Young People
Global Citizens' Academy provides different learning opportunitities for young people. The learning programmes aim to foster active global citizenship and promote key values of solidarity, justice and inclusion among young people.
Through its programmes Global Citizens' Academy provides opportunities to young people:
- to become aware of global interconnectedness, its causes and effects to people across the globe;
- to enhance their critical thinking skills;
- break stereotypes and prejudices;
- to strengthen respect to diversity and human rights;
- to learn to effectively communicate and cooperate with others;
- to take an active civic role towards meetings the issues in the society at local, national and global levels.
The learning opportunities for young people include:
- trainings and seminars;
- large scale educational events;
- international youth exchanges.
Professional Development of Youth Workers, Youth Leaders and Educators
Global Citizens' Academy provides professional development support and training opportunities for youth workers, leaders and members of youth organisations, formal and non-formal education practitioners. The programmes provided by the organisation:
- foster integration of global citizenship in youth work, formal and non-formal education activities;
- stimulate integration of basic principles of human rights, anti-discrimination and respect for diversity into the activities with young people;
- help to introduce innovative tools and methods based on active engagement of young people in the learning process;
- help those working with young people to gain main skills of activity planning, project management and administration.
The professional development opportunities provided by Global Citizens' Academy include:
- in-service trainings and seminars;
- webinars;
- national and international training courses.
The activities of Global Citizens' Academy include expert work in order to increase the quality of youth work and non-formal education in Lithuania and abroad. The main activities include:
- research;
- curriculum development;
- advocacy work;
- presentation and speeches in events - seminars, conferences, etc.
During the past couple GCA has contributed towards increasing the importance of global citizenship education in the educational and youth policies in Lithuania and use of the budget foreseen for these activities more effectively. The expert activities provided by Global Citizens' Academy include:
- development of the policy paper “Global Education in Lithuania. Challenges and Opportunities”;
- development of the part of the AidWatch report analyzing the funding situation of global education activities in Lithuania;
- key note speech at the international conference "Global Education Scenario: from Concept to Action" meant to strengthen the state of global education in Lithuania.